



如果说美丽而历史悠久的巴黎是世界人民心中据有一席之地,那么部分要归功于塞纳河两岸的风光。卵石河岸、桥梁和附近的古建, 这些都述说着历史留给这座城市的文化财富。“巴黎塞纳河畔”于1991年12月列入《世界遗产名录》,这一区域指的是西勒桥至耶纳桥之间的河段,包括其间的西岱岛和圣路易岛。该遗产地还包括圣日耳曼奥塞尔教堂广场、卢浮宫及杜伊勒丽花园、协和广场及玛德莲教堂-国民议会、荣军院及其广场-大皇宫及小皇宫、战神广场-军事学校-埃菲尔铁塔-夏乐宫和特罗卡德罗花园。巴黎塞纳河畔历史建筑群是人文地理与历史的结合,层层历史在这里和谐相融,构建了城市沿河建筑的卓越典范。

If the beautiful and historic city of Paris holds a special place in the hearts of millions of people throughout the world, it is in part thanks to the banks of the River Seine. Its tree lined cobblestone quays, its bridges and the monuments nearby are all examples of the cultural wealth bequeathed to the city by its successive rulers. Inscribed on the World Heritage List in December 1991, “Paris-the River Bank of the Seine River” refers to the part of the river between Pont Sully and Pont d’lena, and includes the fle de la Cité and the fle Saint-Louis. The protected area also includes the Place Saint Germain l’Auxerrois; the Louvre Palace and the Tuileries Gardens; Place de la Concorde with the axis Church of the Madeleine-Assemblée Nationale; the Hotel des Invalides and its esplanade – the Grand Palais and the Petit Palais des Champs-Elysees; Ecole Militaire-Champ de Mars-the Eiffel Tower-the Palais de Chaillot and the Trocadero Gardens. This site, regarded as a geographical and historic entity, constitutes a remarkable example of urban riverside architecture, where layers of history are harmoniously superposed.

本文采访了当代最杰出的建筑师之一贝聿铭先生,以及时任卢浮宫建筑管理负责人勒布拉 (Jean Lebrat)。访谈内容主要关于卢浮宫的修复及其周围地区的重建。这项举世闻名的大工程由法国前总统密特朗提出。卢浮宫改建项目不仅是遗产保护的范本,也是历史古迹改造的经典案例。最重要的是,它是历史遗产与现代化的相互交融,体现了巴黎城市演变的面貌,是城市规划的一个典范。

This interview with leoh Ming Pei, one of the leading architects of our time, and Jean Lebrat, president of the Etablissement Public du Grand Louvre, focuses on the restoration of the Louvre Palace and the reorganization of the surrounding area. Undoubtedly the most internationally acclaimed of the “Grands Travaux” projects launched by the late president of the French Republic, Francois Mitterrand, the Louvre project has been a model not only of conservation but also of the transformation of a historic monument and above all, an excellent example of urban planning, where the interplay of heritage and modernity con- tributes to the evolution of Paris.


Q: In September 1981, President Mitterrand decided to move the Ministry of Finance and reclaim the entire Louvre Palace as a museum. Mr Pei, you were solicited to participate. What was the first idea guiding you?


PEI:  It was in 1982 that I was invited to meet the president, but it was a friendly discussion about architecture in general and not at all to do with the Louvre project as such. It was later that I was offer- ed this challenge.


Q:  What was your reaction?


PEI: I could not believe it. I was surprised to be asked to work on France’s most important monument. I said that it would never work, because I’m not French, but eventually I agreed to study the situation and I visited the Louvre four times at one month intervals, visiting the place thoroughly, at times on my own, like an ordinary visitor. After the third visit I agreed to help. I had discovered that visitors would get lost they could not even find the entrance.


Q: The Louvre is a vast ensemble, located in the centre of a city. Overrun by tourists, tour buses and at a crossroad for traffic, the museum had become all but closed to Parisians. How did you consider the question of a monument within a city and its relationship with the local inhabitants? Mr Lebrat?

勒:回想当时,由于财政部占据了黎塞留大楼,卢浮宫博物馆被夹在了黎塞留大楼和繁忙的河岸公路之间。现在金字塔所在的拿破仑中庭,在当时并不向公众开放,而是被用作停车场。财政部阻断了博物馆和城市之间的联系。博物馆的入口位于塞纳河码头一侧,周围是车水马龙的公路和路旁停放的车辆。虽然这里坐落着以卓越收藏品而闻名遐迩的博物馆,然而人们却找不到入口! 贝聿铭先生在提出开放黎塞留通道时,就指出了这一问题。黎塞留通道作为连接城市与博物馆新入口的通道,是一个重要的象征纽带——城市通向了艺术世界。虽然来卢浮宫参观的主要是外国游客,但卢浮宫改造后创造的公共空间也使它成为了巴黎人最喜欢的景点之一。

LEBRAT: One has to recall that at the time, because the Ministry of Finance occupied the Richelieu Wing, the Louvre Museum was stuck between it and the busy road along the riverbank. The Cour Napoleon, where the pyramid is now located, was at the time inaccessible to the public and it was used as a parking space. The ministry blocked the link between the museum and the city. So the entrance to the museum was on the side of the Seine, along the quay, in the midst of the traffic and a long row of parked cars and buses. So, here is this museum famous for having one of the finest collections in the world but one couldn’t find the entrance! Mr Pei put his finger on the problem when he proposed the opening of the Richelieu Passage, the crea- tion of an access from the city to the new entrance. This was an important symbolic linkage the city opening into the world of art. While the Louvre is still visited mainly by foreigners, the public space created as the result of the Louvre transformation has also made it one of the favoured spots for Parisians.


PEI: Yes, discovering the “centre” was the first breakthrough, but just the beginning. This wouldn’t have been possible without the Richelieu Wing, and without taking possession of the complex in its entirety, it wouldn’t have been possible to make it really good. I had quite a bit of experience working on museums, and circulation of visitor flow is one of the main concerns. The other major problem with the Louvre was the lack of support infrastructure. In most museums, there is a fifty-fifty ratio between exhibit space and support space, such as for storage, an auditorium, a book shop and a host of other vital services. The Louvre basically had none of this, even space under the floor for piping didn’t exist. There was no point in converting the wonderful rooms of the palace into storage space, so we had to look elsewhere.


It is essential that historic monuments have a meaning, a role in contemporary society, and | am among the group of architects who firmly believe in transformation for new use, to revitalize the monument. New additions should be seen to be such, not some pastiche. 1984-85 were difficult years for me. The press criticized me, the issue became a political one between the ruling Left and the opposition Right. The glass pyramid came later and that wasn’t the issue, the essential point was the creation of the “centre” and new space for support services. I knew from the excellent research work of the French archaeologists that underneath the Cour Carrée were important remains, it therefore could not be used for underground service space. In fact, the subsequent integration of the archaeological vestiges of the Philippe Auguste Fortress added much value to the museum itself. As for the underground area beneath the Cour Napoleon, it was less important and after thorough archaeological research, this was used for the desperately needed parking space.


If The Louvre has been transformed throughout its history and retained the traces of the architecture and style of each epoch. Of course it is questionable how far one should go in transformation, and for the Louvre there was an intense debate which wasn’t always easy. But the result is excellent, thanks to the quality of the architects involved and the value of the monument itself. The exterior of the museum, its facade and roof were carefully preserved. Billions of francs were also spent on conserving the building which had suffered the ravages of time, the weather and pollution damage which in some areas required restitution of sculptures or reliefs and the replacement of stone. All this work was carried out with great care.


Q: The cultural function of the Louvre does not exclude its economic functions, as the successful commercial activities linked to the museum attest. Did you foresee this from the beginning in your project? Is any part of the revenue. from these activities reinvested in the conservation and mainten- ance of the site?


LEBRAT: I talked earlier about the fact that the Louvre before these works was mainly for foreign visitors and not for Parisians. Not only was it necessary to link the museum to the city but it also became apparent that activities to attract Parisians were necessary. So, around the pyramid, a vast book shop specializing in art books, models and posters was installed, along with shops to sell jewelry and reproductions of art objects, restaurants and coffee shops. To resolve the problem of a serious lack of parking space, an underground car park had to be built with space for 600 cars and some eighty buses. A huge area underneath the Carrousel Gardens had to be prepared, requiring a colossal investment. Leases on the boutiques and the shopping gallery financed the car park. And I would say that because of the high quality of the shops and the products sold in them, the Louvre has become a more attractive place to a wider range of people, and I am, personally, very pleased about this.


PEI: Yes, whether it be the new public space, or the gallery of boutiques, the transformation of the Louvre gave many important by-products. The establishment of the shopping arcade was initially opposed by many people but it was necessary to finance the expensive underground car park.


LEBRAT: The Louvre is a unique experience but the main lesson, I would say, is this. The heritage of a country is essentially its cultural identity, and whether big or small, majestic or simple, physical or nonphysical, it must be maintained and have a meaning for every new generation.


PEI: A historic site should be given a new life through new use, without sacri- ficing its authenticity. It should be a mutually reinforcing process. The Louvre project is indeed a unique adventure, the museum is a marvelous example of how a single building can mean so much to a culture. 


Ms Minia Yang, Rresponsible for promotion at the  UNESCO World Heritage Centre Interviewed Mr. PEI in New York on 9 Aug. 1996 and J. LEBRAT in Paris On 25 July 1996.




图文来源:“联合国教科文组织”微信公众号  2019-05-21




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