书讯 | Ned Blackhawk, Isaiah Lorado Wilner 编:《土著图景:重新发现博厄斯的世界》

Title: Indigenous Visions: Rediscovering the World of Franz Boas    Volume:    

Author(s): Ned Blackhawk, Isaiah Lorado Wilner (eds.)    

Series: The Henry Roe Cloud Series on American Indians and Modernity

Publisher: Yale University Press

Year: 2018

Language: English

Pages (bibliotech): 416410    

ISBN: 0300196512, 9780300196511


Published with assistance from the income of the Frederick John Kingsbury Memorial Fund.

Parts of Chapter 11 originally appeared in Benjamin Balthaser, “‘Travels of an American Indian into the Hinterlands of Soviet Russia’: Rethinking Indigenous Modernity and the Popular Front in the Work of Archie Phinney and D’Arcy McNickle,” American Quarterly 66, no. 2 (2014): 385–416, and Benjamin Balthaser, Anti-Imperialist Modernism: Race and Transnational Radical Culture from the Great Depression to the Cold War (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2016).

Copyright © 2018 by Yale University.
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Set in Adobe Garamond type by IDS Infotech, Ltd. Printed in the United States of America.

Library of Congress Control Number: 2017944783ISBN 978-0-300-19651-1 (paperback : alk. paper)

目  录 Contents

Acknowledgments, vii Introduction, ix

Part One Origins and Erasures: The Emergence of a Boasian Circle

1 Transformation Masks: Recollecting the Indigenous Origins of Global Consciousness Isaiah Lorado Wilner, 3

2  Franz Boas in Africana Philosophy Lewis R. Gordon, 42

3  Expressive Enlightenment: Subjectivity and Solidarity in Daniel Garrison Brinton, Franz Boas, and Carlos Montezuma Ryan Carr, 61

4  “Culture” Crosses the Atlantic: The German Sources ofThe Mind of Primitive Man Harry Liebersohn, 91

Part Two Worlds of Enlightenment: Boasian Thoughtas Process and Practice

5  Rediscovering the World of Franz Boas: Anthropology, Equality / Diversity, and World Peace James Tully, 111

6  Of Two Minds About Minding Language in CultureMichael Silverstein, 147

7   Why White People Love Franz Boas; or, The Grammar of Indigenous Dispossession Audra Simpson, 166

Part Three Routes of Race: The Transnational Networks of Ethnicity

8   Utter Confusion and Contradiction: Franz Boas and the Problem of Human Complexion Martha Hodes, 185

9 The Death of William Jones: Indian, Anthropologist, Murder Victim Kiara M. Vigil, 209

10   Woman on the Verge of a Cultural Breakdown:
Zora Neale Hurston in Haiti and the Racial Privilege of Boasian Relativism Eve Dunbar, 231

11  “A New Indian Intelligentsia”: Archie Phinney and the Search for a Radical Native American Modernity Benjamin Balthaser, 258

Part Four Boasiana: The Global Flow of the Culture Concept

12     The River of Salvation Flows Through Africa: Edward Wilmot Blyden, Raphael Armattoe, and the Redemption of the Culture Concept Sean Hanretta, 279

13   A Two-Headed Thinker: Rüdiger Bilden, Gilberto Freyre, and the Reinvention of Brazilian Identity Maria Lúcia Pallares-Burke, 316

14     Seeing Like an Inca: Julio C. Tello, Indigenous Archaeology, and Pre-Columbian Trepanation in Peru Christopher Heaney, 344

List of Contributors, 377Index, 379





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